In 2010 they played at the 1st Mostra de Música Livre, held in Lapinha. In the same year, they recorded their first album, "Mundo ao Revés", released Dec. 16, at Espaço Sérgio Porto.
In January 2009, Água Viva attended the Latin American festival called Movimiento Cultural Jazz a La Calle, in Mercedes, Uruguay, with a presentation that had generated news featured on the cover of the regional daily "Acción", citing them as "the highest point of the festival by his interpretive warmth that raised the public in ovation when they closed her performance and earned a standing ovation, coming back to the stage to the bis". In 2008 were invited to participate as Brazilian representatives of the Festival de La Musica, La Plata, Argentina. In Buenos Aires played at the Notorious space. In 2007 they received the Prêmio Tápias de Música, by their compositions and musical performance, and João Bittencourt, piano, as the best instrumentalist.
In 2009 they had composed the soundtrack of the show "Passarinho à Toa", group Tapetes Contadores de Histórias, on the work of poet Manoel de Barros, that was presented in the project Contos Brasileiros, at CCBBs Rio de Janeiro and Brasilia (Dec/2009, Jan and Feb/2010), and at Caixa Cultural Rio de Janeiro (jun/2010).
Also presented in several venues in Rio de Janeiro, like Drink Café, Espaço Rio Carioca, Instituto Villa-Lobos, Espírito Santa and Santo Scenarium, and in events like Movimento Cultural Geringonça (SESC Tijuca), Projeto Terças Instrumentais (Lona Cultural Hermeto Pascoal), Festival Experimental Eletrorgânico (Silva Jardim - RJ), Mostra da Música Universal de Hermeto Pascoal (Sala Baden Powell) and Mostra IFCS (Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Sociais - UFRJ).